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Hitch and proper rest after training

The vast majority of beginners in fitness forget or intentionally ignore the completion of the final set of exercises, in a hurry to do other things. In addition, they do not even suspect that in addition to the hitch, other recovery measures are needed. In this article, we will talk about how much time your body needs to recover and what should be the right rest after a workout so that its health benefits are maximized.

Recovery period components
Do not be surprised, but in order for the recovery after training to be optimal, the following conditions must be observed:

start the lesson with a full workout; optimize the amount of training loads;
drink water or a sports drink during the lesson;
do in the main part, during pauses for rest, exercises for muscle relaxation, self-massage, breathing exercises;
Finish your workout with a carefully planned hitch;
“Behave properly” in the phases of fast and slow recovery;
rationalize the regime of training, work / study, rest and sleep (8 hours at night and, if possible, 1-2 hours in the afternoon).
The most pronounced recovery processes occur immediately after the cessation of intense physical activity, so we will begin a detailed analysis precisely from the final part of the training.

Hitch and proper rest after training

Why is there a hitch?
The main goal of the final exercises is a smooth transition from an excited state to a calm or close to calm.

Beginners should take 10-12 minutes to hitch. At that time:

heart rate, respiration rate and body temperature will gradually decrease;
narrowed to a normal state, intramuscular venules;
the processes of removing lactic acid from the muscles will start;
regenerative reactions and adaptive changes are stimulated.
These processes will save the heart from unnecessary quick contractions, when the body is no longer subjected to heavy physical exertion. Final exercises will also help prevent muscle cramps, cramps, dizziness, and loss of consciousness. Please note that in case of overload during training, a thorough hitch will not save you from strength, but it will make it less strong.

Hitch and proper rest after training

What to do in a hitch
After high-intensity interval training and aerobic fitness classes, the hitch starts on a treadmill. You should run for several minutes at a slow pace, periodically moving on to a step, and end with a minute walk at a walking pace. Then you need to make a small stretching complex, and in the end you can hang on the horizontal bar, completely relaxing all the muscles of the body.

An example of how to recover from a workout using stretching exercises for:

hamstrings, buttocks, and lower back;
groin, flexors and 4-head femoral muscles;
the front surface of the leg, intraarticular ligaments of the knee and the lumbar region;
upper chest
spine and back muscles.
Finishing a strength training should be a 3-5 minute series of exercises with low weight. They need to be done slowly, focusing on deep breathing. Then we need stretching exercises for those muscle groups to which this training was “dedicated”. Hold each stretch position for 20 to 30 seconds.

Today, after a workout, it’s recommended to include in the hitch strength exercises on a special roller – “foam rolling”, where, in turn, the following are worked out:

back muscles at the level of the thoracic region – when lying on the back, hands in the lock behind the head, additional emphasis on the heels, legs bent at the knees;
buttocks – emphasis on the back of the hands and soles;
quadriceps – in the stop position, bending, feet in the air.
The scheme of each exercise is as follows. First, for 60 seconds, smoothly and slowly ride back and forth along the entire length of the selected muscle group. Then, within 1 minute, do short reciprocating movements only in the place where the greatest tension is felt.

Hitch and proper rest after training

When doing stretching exercises, do not forget about the small pauses between them. Drink mineral water in them. It will help to normalize the water-electrolyte balance. In total, during the hitch + the next 30-40 minutes, you need to drink at least 1 liter.

Fast and Slow Recovery Phases
Think it all? No. The period of rapid recovery processes generally lasts 20-30 minutes. So in the time remaining after a hitch – 10-20 minutes, you need to take a shower. This should be done not only for hygienic purposes. It speeds recovery. In the first part of the water procedure, take a warm shower and do foam self-massage, and finish with a contrast shower. If your gym is located at the pool, then plan the time so that after training you can swim for 20-30 minutes at a calm pace.

Hitch and proper rest after training
The vast majority of beginners in fitness forget or intentionally ignore the completion of the final set of exercises, in a hurry to do other things. In addition, they do…


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