The most effective abs exercises for girls
How to pump up a girl? Of course, you need to perform special exercises on the press. Exercises for the upper and lower press, as well as exercises for the…

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Can pregnant women do fitness?
The nine-month period of bearing a child is certainly not a reason to quit training. If you did not pay attention to the body before pregnancy, then its onset is…

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Body types: how genetics affect your figure
There are three types of physique or somatotype that affect our appearance. Details on why some of us are prone to gaining fat, while others are lean, read in the…

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Body types: how genetics affect your figure

There are three types of physique or somatotype that affect our appearance. Details on why some of us are prone to gaining fat, while others are lean, read in the article.

There is no denying the fact that in addition to our lifestyle, eating habits and sports, there are other factors that influence how our body looks. It is often called the word “genetics”, meaning that some features of the figure are inherited in us and we cannot change them. So, there are people who, despite the fact that they eat a lot, remain thin, and often even have unhealthy thinness. Many will say that this is a small problem. But such people cannot gain weight even at the cost of tremendous effort. There is another class of people who, even eating moderately, always remain quite full and have excess weight, which is difficult for them to get rid of.

There is also a third group, the rarest, – those who always look quite athletic and fit. Even short moderate physical activities very quickly affect their appearance. They quickly develop muscle proliferation and it seems that they are not at all prone to weight gain. Continue reading

Rules for Effective Training
A healthy lifestyle has become a fashion trend. Most are unhappy with their figure and tend to look better. Obviously, this requires regular exercise, which will help to cope with…


Why crossfit is needed
In a number of areas of fitness, crossfit is a separate line. This is one of the most fashionable areas of physical fitness among adherents of a healthy lifestyle was…


Prevention of injuries when entering regular training
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