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Superset: how to increase your workout efficiency

How to apply a superset in training. Types of supersets and 4 cases when they need to be used.

If you are at least a little interested in training and fitness in general, you probably have at least once heard such a thing as a superset. Or maybe not only heard, but also used.

Since the “thing” is very common, let’s sort it out in more detail. So…

What is a superset?

Superset – these are two exercises performed one after another without a break. For example, you performed 15 squats and immediately begin to do 15 push-ups.

Those. in fact, of course, there is a slight pause, since you need to change the position. But this usually takes no more than 5-10 seconds.

Exercises may not necessarily be two. There are supersets consisting of three and even more exercises. But in this case, they are already called trisets and giant sets. It should be noted that the latter are used extremely rarely.

In fact, we can say that the superset is a training organization method used to increase its effectiveness.

Paradoxical as it may seem, the use of supersets has been successfully used both in training for mass gain and in fat-burning complexes.

How does this method work?
In the material on periodization of loads, I wrote that over time the body adapts to training. More specifically, the types of training and exercises. And this is the reason why, sooner or later, we stop noticing at least some effect from the complexes of exercises that used to work perfectly. That is why the training plan needs to be changed periodically. You need to “surprise” the body with a new load in order to progress again.

This is what supersets are for. Performing two consecutive exercises without a break actually creates stress for the muscles and the body as a whole.

When gaining mass – this allows you to activate muscle fiber growth again, and when losing weight – increase calorie consumption and, accordingly, burn more fat.

4 cases when you need to switch to supersets:
1) You have been practicing for a long time, and noticed that the body is not so actively responding to the load
2) You need to lose weight and increase stamina
3) Do you want to “boost” the process of gaining muscle mass
4) Would you like to spend less time training

The last point I especially like. You most likely did not know that the use of supersets can reduce training time by 30% without loss of effectiveness.

Such training is not suitable for everyone.
Performing two (or more) exercises together gives an excellent result, but it is believed that they are not suitable for people with a low level of physical fitness. This is not for those just starting out.

I would do a little clarification. Supersets can be actively used in beginner training. Only in this case it should be supersets from simple exercises for different muscle groups. For example, first a person performs squats with his own weight, and then the most ordinary twists on the press. All this is done exclusively at a pace suitable for a particular person without trying to force time.

But “newbies” are different. And, of course, if even normal squats cause shortness of breath and dizziness, then the use of this method is not even discussed.

In general, one can really say that supersets are stage number 2. Therefore, it is better to first practice in the usual mode of performing one exercise in several approaches. Well, or go through the preparatory program.

In addition, you can’t always train like that. Like any other training method, this one will also cease to be effective if abused. Therefore, use the superset as a method of “shock therapy” when necessary, but take breaks.

Types of Supersets

In fact, there are only three of them, if you do not take into account all sorts of “exotic” options:

1) for antagonist muscles
A classic example of strength training is the biceps / triceps superset.
Most often, this type is used in training to increase muscle mass.

2) for one muscle group
In this case, the more difficult exercise is performed first, then the simpler for the same muscle group.

Take an example for the buttocks. First you do traction on straight legs with dumbbells, and then immediately swing your legs back. Your “priest” will feel an unprecedented “surprise”, we promise.

This method allows you to work out the muscle with different exercises “from different angles”, which greatly improves the result.

3) for muscles located far apart
This option is the most common in weight loss workouts. For example, you squat first and then push up.

In this case, you keep a high pace and therefore use more calories in training. This is possible because while one muscle / part of the body is working, the other is not involved and is resting.

Just as I wrote above, this type can be used for people just starting to exercise.

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