Pilates for beginners
It is quite difficult for a beginner to understand the variety of areas offered by fitness clubs today and to choose the type of training suitable for himself. In this…

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Chakra Meditation: The Psychophysiology of Spiritual Practice
The energy-informational essence of man is a rainbow, all of its seven colors. This is his beauty, this is his problem. Man is multifaceted, multidimensional. It is not simple -…

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Fitness couple enhances sex drive
An unexpected option for spending time together is how to sweat in the gym. Psychologists say: “useful” activities (rather than ordinary walks and gatherings in a cafe) help to get…

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then stretch

How to get rid of stretch marks after a quick weight loss

Stretch marks on the body, according to many, look unaesthetic. Often striae (the second name of the phenomenon) appear with a sharp weight loss. Therefore, everyone is eager to learn how to get rid of stretch marks. In pursuit of smooth skin, expensive creams are bought, beauty salons are visited.

But is it possible to actually remove stretch marks on the skin in this way?

Before you get rid of stretch marks, learn more about them.
Striae occur in areas where the most fat accumulated: belly, hips, buttocks, chest. The reason for the appearance of stretch marks is a violation of the production of collagen and elastin fibers. They are responsible for the flexibility, plasticity of the skin, its adaptation to new forms. Continue reading

Posture as the foundation
We often hear this word, but what does it mean? Straight back? Lack of scoliosis? In this article, we will consider what components make up posture, how its formation occurs,…


Rules for Effective Training
A healthy lifestyle has become a fashion trend. Most are unhappy with their figure and tend to look better. Obviously, this requires regular exercise, which will help to cope with…


Your way: how to start running marathons from scratch and run to yourself
Liga Sarukhanova - journalist and mother of two children, without a sports past. But in recent years, in her social networks - there are all photos from marathons and international…
