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Pilates for beginners

It is quite difficult for a beginner to understand the variety of areas offered by fitness clubs today and to choose the type of training suitable for himself. In this article we will tell you what Pilates is, what are the basic principles of this system of exercises, with what other types of fitness it needs to be combined in a weekly plan of training sessions, so that the effect on the body is multilateral and most beneficial for health.

Pilates History
Pilates is an author’s method of physical preparation, which was first called counter-therapy. It, during the First World War, was invented by Joseph Pilates. It was intended for the rehabilitation of wounded English soldiers undergoing treatment on the Isle of Man, where a 30-year-old boxer, bodybuilder and self-defense instructor of Scotland Yard police were interned from London.

A German, by nationality and place of birth, Joseph suffered from rickets, rheumatic fever and bronchial asthma in childhood. But the young man managed to cure himself with the help of invented exercises, the basis of which were simple yoga asanas, elements of oriental health gymnastics and martial arts.

He finally formulated the methodology in the late 20s of the last century, when he emigrated to the United States and opened the Center for a Healthy Lifestyle there. At this time, the concept of mental control over muscle work, the principles of observing personal hygiene rules, as well as the optimal wakefulness and sleep regimen were added to the sports component of the system.

After the death of Pilates in 1967, at the age of 83, the countervology was renamed in his honor. Today, there are many modifications to this system. Some suggest only physical activity, others – the interaction of the body and consciousness. In some exercise therapy rooms in hospitals, exercises on the author’s spring simulators Table trapezium and Reformer bed are added to traditional classes on gymnastic mats. For those involved in fitness clubs, if necessary, the program includes exercises on modern simulators.

Pilates for beginners

Pilates Benefits
Pilates for beginners, if you do it regularly, will help:

Remove muscle imbalance. Increase muscle strength without increasing their volume. Strengthen the muscle corset. Perform posture correction.
Restore joint mobility. Develop flexibility and stretch.
Improve coordination of movements.
Normalize the work of internal organs and the vestibular apparatus.
Relieve stress. Regulate the psycho-emotional state.
Increase concentration and mental performance.
Unlike strength exercises, Pilates exercises involve working with your own body weight and simultaneously involving almost all muscle groups in different exercises. Such trainings will help you to feel more confident in everyday life – to be more agile and mobile, to move up stairs more quickly and “more steadily”, to control your body during complex coordination movements and positions that require maintaining balance, to lift and carry heavy objects.

Pilates for beginners

Pilates was created as a form of physiotherapy exercises. The training system is suitable for almost everyone, regardless of age, body weight, health status and level of physical fitness. Note that pregnant and lactating mothers are very fond of doing it.

A pause in training should be taken for the time of a cold or an infectious disease, and there are very few constant contraindications for Pilates:

the first period after injury;
spinal hernia of operable size;
hernia of the groin or fascia of the abdomen;
severe vein thrombosis;
epilepsy, mental disorders.
Pilates Basic Principles
How are the results listed above achieved? In addition to requiring regular practice and gradually increasing the load, the methodology has its own specific principles that are different from other types of physical preparation.

Pilates Breathing
Particular attention during each exercise is given to the correct breathing algorithm. In the learning process, you have to learn to adjust the tempo-rhythm of performing movements under the breath, and not vice versa. The author compared the complexes of his exercises with dancing in the rhythm of his own breathing. It is unusual and occurs according to a special “rib” technique. On inspiration, the rib cage expands and the intercostal muscles tighten. On exhalation, their complete relaxation occurs. At the same time, the abdominal muscles do not participate in the respiratory cycle, and the lumbar spine and shoulder joints are stabilized.

Focus and accuracy
In Pilates, it is important to do the exercises correctly, as the technique prescribes. It will be necessary to master it gradually and in perfection. The movements are performed as responsibly and as accurately as possible, as the level of current physical fitness allows. Moreover, before the start of each exercise, from 10-15 seconds to 1-2 minutes, it is performed mentally, with an emphasis on its main points.

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