Pilates for beginners
It is quite difficult for a beginner to understand the variety of areas offered by fitness clubs today and to choose the type of training suitable for himself. In this…

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first dpp
Pilates for harmony of body and soul
Each of us seeks to enjoy life. As a rule, we begin to get this pleasure only when we are healthy, mobile, live without stress and unnecessary stress. But in…

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Hitch and proper rest after training
The vast majority of beginners in fitness forget or intentionally ignore the completion of the final set of exercises, in a hurry to do other things. In addition, they do…

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medications to achieve

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Hitch and proper rest after training

The vast majority of beginners in fitness forget or intentionally ignore the completion of the final set of exercises, in a hurry to do other things. In addition, they do not even suspect that in addition to the hitch, other recovery measures are needed. In this article, we will talk about how much time your body needs to recover and what should be the right rest after a workout so that its health benefits are maximized.

Recovery period components
Do not be surprised, but in order for the recovery after training to be optimal, the following conditions must be observed:

start the lesson with a full workout; optimize the amount of training loads; Continue reading

Pilates for beginners

It is quite difficult for a beginner to understand the variety of areas offered by fitness clubs today and to choose the type of training suitable for himself. In this article we will tell you what Pilates is, what are the basic principles of this system of exercises, with what other types of fitness it needs to be combined in a weekly plan of training sessions, so that the effect on the body is multilateral and most beneficial for health.

Pilates History
Pilates is an author’s method of physical preparation, which was first called counter-therapy. It, during the First World War, was invented by Joseph Pilates. Continue reading

What is TRX: Pros and Cons of Training

Among the areas of fitness, the number of which is growing “like mushrooms after the rain”, one can single out the three global leaders. Crossfit is a high-intensity interval training from an American physical training instructor for firefighters and police officers Greg Glassman. Les Mills – Six innovative physical fitness systems from the family dynasty of athletes, founded by 4-time Olympic shot put champion New Zealander Leslie Mills. TRX pendant training closes trinity.

If you know a little English, then you can understand that the first type is a combination of cardio and power loads, and the second is a nominal training system. And trx training – what is it? How did she attract a huge number of fitness lovers around the world and is it suitable for you? Continue reading

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Bodhi Yoga Concept
The concept (from lat. Conceptio - understanding, system) is a certain way of understanding (interpretation, perception) of any object, phenomenon or process; main point of view on the subject; a…


Clarity of consciousness: freedom from discontent
Have you ever been unhappy? 😉 Something is contrary to your desires and ideas, and you fall into a certain state in which you experience your disagreement with what is…


What to wear and take with you to the fitness club
Perform exercise in comfortable clothes and shoes. This is not only aesthetics, but also safety: they cling to inventory with wide t-shirts, soft backs do not keep their feet on…
