Home Workouts for beginners What kind of fitness to choose What type of fitness to choose
So the hour has come when the desire to put your body in order and start playing sports requires specific actions from you. It remains to decide - what type…

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first dpp
Hitch and proper rest after training
The vast majority of beginners in fitness forget or intentionally ignore the completion of the final set of exercises, in a hurry to do other things. In addition, they do…

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The art and science of relaxation
The need to learn effective relaxation is due to several reasons: firstly, vascular circulation is normalized; secondly, psychosomatic tension is removed (there is a deep purification of the subconscious); thirdly,…

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want to achieve

Yantra Mandala for concentration and meditation.

Yantra is the oldest magic resonator, existing from time immemorial in India, Tibet, China and other countries. It acts both at the psychophysiological level, changing the electrical activity of the brain, and at the level of psychoenergetics, creating an informational biological field. These fields can carry a protective activating harmonizing character, be tuned to a specific person or place.

The application of color in yantra is symbolic. Color is never used to enhance the decorative qualities of a diagram, but expresses certain philosophical ideas and an internal state of consciousness.

The mandala, even when a square or a triangle is at the heart of this geometric composition, still has a concentric structure. Continue reading

Periodization of loads: how often to change the training program

Periodization of training is a necessary condition for achieving the desired result. About whom and under what conditions it is necessary to change the training plan, read the article.

This article will discuss a very important aspect of training, namely the question: how often do I need to change and adjust the lesson plan. A huge number of people starting to work out in the gym or fitness in general, note that at the beginning of training, namely the first 1.5-2 months, the body reacts quite actively to the load, and then this effect disappears and often there is a feeling that not only nothing happens with the state of the body, but even such indicators as endurance and strength also remain at the same level.

And one of the main mistakes of both beginners and many experienced trainees is the lack of a change in the training program. For years, people can do the same thing in the same order, and then say that training “does not work” and does not bring any effect.

At the heart of all this is such a concept as periodization of loads. And first of all, it is necessary to understand the theoretical component of this term.

What is load periodization Continue reading

Reasonable fitness: how to exercise while staying healthy

The fitness industry is constantly growing and begins to offer us something that is incompatible with the concept of a healthy lifestyle. How to do fitness “wisely” and not become a “victim” of sports, read the article.

I recommend reading this material to anyone involved in sports “for themselves”, with a trainer or on their own. To everyone who goes to the gym, or to group classes, or simply trains at home or on the street with the help of ready-made programs and videos or without them. Anyone who wants to lose weight and improve the figure, or vice versa to get rid of excessive thinness. In general, this article is for those who do not aspire to the stage to demonstrate their achievements, but study the issue of nutrition and training to maintain good shape and health.

The only goal I am pursuing in this article is to outline the boundaries of what can help you and what can harm you. And I sincerely hope that it will be useful to someone. Continue reading

Rules for Effective Training
A healthy lifestyle has become a fashion trend. Most are unhappy with their figure and tend to look better. Obviously, this requires regular exercise, which will help to cope with…


Yama and Niyama - the foundation of good practice
Yama (control of mind and behavior) and Niyama (psycho-emotional and bodily purity) are the first two stages of yoga and the condition for its effective practice. By practicing the Pit,…


The best exercises for the buttocks in the gym for girls
How to choose exercises for buttocks that really "work"? In this article you will find a list of the most effective exercises for the buttocks in the gym for girls.…
