What is useful protein shake and how to drink it
Among beginner athletes, the phrase “protein shake” is equivalent to “mountain of muscles”. Many are passionate about choosing the right protein for building muscle. Demand pulled up behind demand too…

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first dpp
The best exercises for the buttocks in the gym for girls
How to choose exercises for buttocks that really "work"? In this article you will find a list of the most effective exercises for the buttocks in the gym for girls.…

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Self-massage of problem areas: how to overcome cellulite and an “apron” at the waist
Surely you know that cellulite provokes heredity, increased estrogen production and malnutrition. Anti-cellulite self-massage is an easy, fast and cheap way to get rid of the hated orange peel. How…

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activities for getting

Hitch and proper rest after training

The vast majority of beginners in fitness forget or intentionally ignore the completion of the final set of exercises, in a hurry to do other things. In addition, they do not even suspect that in addition to the hitch, other recovery measures are needed. In this article, we will talk about how much time your body needs to recover and what should be the right rest after a workout so that its health benefits are maximized.

Recovery period components
Do not be surprised, but in order for the recovery after training to be optimal, the following conditions must be observed:

start the lesson with a full workout; optimize the amount of training loads; Continue reading

How to make round biceps: tips on how to pump biceps at home and in the gym

This question is mainly asked by men who are interested in making their hands large and embossed. These athletes are easy to calculate in the gym, because their favorite equipment is the barbell. Their favorite exercise is lifting the barbell to bicez. But this is not the only simulator that helps to build rounded protruding biceps. Other biceps exercises and options for pumping up biceps are in this article.

Where is the biceps
When you strain your arm in your forearm, you see a small bulging ball. It is of different lengths and structures. This is the extensor muscle of the forearm, that is, biceps. Consists of 2 heads: external and internal. Under them is brachialis – the flexor muscle. In the exercises on the hands, when we lift the weight, we use the brachialis, and when we extend the elbow joint – biceps. Continue reading

How to eat to gain weight

The presence of muscle mass is an essential component for the buildup of the body. It is impossible to get round biceps, strong legs, if the body does not have material to build muscle. Therefore, pay attention to the diet: what should it be in order to satisfy the needs of the body and achieve a pleasant result in the gym.

Features of male nutrition for weight gain
The diet for the stronger sex is different from the female. It has a lot of calories (because men spend more energy), proteins and carbohydrates. Usually men work witht significant weigh and loads, and also need uniform training for the whole body. Continue reading

How to choose the right weight weights for a girl
In order for the training to be not only effective, but also safe, it is important to choose the right weight. How to choose the weight of dumbbells and other…


The art and science of relaxation
The need to learn effective relaxation is due to several reasons: firstly, vascular circulation is normalized; secondly, psychosomatic tension is removed (there is a deep purification of the subconscious); thirdly,…


How to choose a gym: expectation and reality
For many, a new life begins on Monday - on the first working day they postpone going to the gym. This is especially true in early spring, when everyone wants…
