Bodhi Yoga Concept
The concept (from lat. Conceptio - understanding, system) is a certain way of understanding (interpretation, perception) of any object, phenomenon or process; main point of view on the subject; a…

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first dpp
How to quickly pump up the buttocks at home?
In principle, there is only one secret and, to be honest, it’s not a secret at all, but an obvious fact. But about him, for some reason, too often forget.…

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How to eat to gain weight
The presence of muscle mass is an essential component for the buildup of the body. It is impossible to get round biceps, strong legs, if the body does not have…

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bench presses

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What is useful protein shake and how to drink it

Among beginner athletes, the phrase “protein shake” is equivalent to “mountain of muscles”. Many are passionate about choosing the right protein for building muscle. Demand pulled up behind demand too – now there are several tens of protein supplements on the market.

Should I get carried away with homemade and purchased cocktails, what is the use or harm of them? Opinions were divided among athletes and doctors. But before you start the protein miracle course, you should study the basic information about the product.

The main value of a protein shake is protein. This is an organic molecule necessary for the human body. It helps build blood vessels, bones, skin, hair, nails and muscles. Continue reading

A selection of books that every fitness practitioner should read

The books will be useful both for those engaged in fitness individually, and under the guidance of a personal trainer. Each of them is a direct guide to action that will help bring the body into perfect condition. The selection includes the best publications devoted to various topics – power and cardio loads, stretching exercises, nutrition. Ready collections of programs for daily classes are also not forgotten.

New Bodybuilding Encyclopedia
The book must be in your library in any case, because its author is Arnold Schwarzenegger. Despite the fact that it was written in 1985, it is still a manual for all fitness practitioners. Its 5 sections (volumes) describe in detail: Continue reading

Why crossfit is needed

In a number of areas of fitness, crossfit is a separate line. This is one of the most fashionable areas of physical fitness among adherents of a healthy lifestyle was invented in 1996. The idea came about after an appeal by the head of one of the police stations in the California city of Santa Cruz to a former gymnast and weightlifter, professional gym instructor Greg Glassman, with a request to tighten the general physical training of his subordinates.

The developed technique turned out to be so in demand that in 2000, Glassman made a completely logical step for the Americans. He creates the CrossFit Inc corporation, patenting the Trademark, methods of physical daily training (WOD), a system for training and certification of trainers, conditions for affiliation of crossfit halls. In 2007, the first “live” competitions were held, and today all fans, even those who practice independently, have the opportunity to measure their strength not only in regional and international competitions, but also in CrossFit Open online games. Continue reading

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Superset: how to increase your workout efficiency
How to apply a superset in training. Types of supersets and 4 cases when they need to be used. If you are at least a little interested in training and…


Periodization of loads: how often to change the training program
Periodization of training is a necessary condition for achieving the desired result. About whom and under what conditions it is necessary to change the training plan, read the article. This…


Surya Namaskar: Common Problems
This article is devoted to the most common problems that occur during the performance of Surya Namaskar, and methods for solving them. With a little time and attention and in…
