Sneakers for the gym: what you need to know before buying
Where to buy gym shoes When to buy sports shoes? Sneakers for fitness: choose a model How to try on gym shoes Sports shoes are an important, almost main, element…

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first dpp
How to choose a gym: expectation and reality
For many, a new life begins on Monday - on the first working day they postpone going to the gym. This is especially true in early spring, when everyone wants…

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How to choose a gym: expectation and reality
For many, a new life begins on Monday - on the first working day they postpone going to the gym. This is especially true in early spring, when everyone wants…

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Why crossfit is needed

In a number of areas of fitness, crossfit is a separate line. This is one of the most fashionable areas of physical fitness among adherents of a healthy lifestyle was invented in 1996. The idea came about after an appeal by the head of one of the police stations in the California city of Santa Cruz to a former gymnast and weightlifter, professional gym instructor Greg Glassman, with a request to tighten the general physical training of his subordinates.

The developed technique turned out to be so in demand that in 2000, Glassman made a completely logical step for the Americans. He creates the CrossFit Inc corporation, patenting the Trademark, methods of physical daily training (WOD), a system for training and certification of trainers, conditions for affiliation of crossfit halls. In 2007, the first “live” competitions were held, and today all fans, even those who practice independently, have the opportunity to measure their strength not only in regional and international competitions, but also in CrossFit Open online games. Continue reading

Prevention of injuries when entering regular training

Prevention of injuries is one of the most important components of proper training. Starting the load after the break, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the damage already received. This is true not only in professional sports, but also in amateur sports. Novice athletes ignore the rules for entering the training regimen after a break and can acquire serious health problems.

injury prevention

Prevention of injuries when entering regular training
It is advisable to immediately consult a doctor after receiving injuries. Continue reading

Pilates for harmony of body and soul

Each of us seeks to enjoy life.
As a rule, we begin to get this pleasure only when we are healthy, mobile, live without stress and unnecessary stress. But in fact there are only a few such people. For such sensations and life in full, a person needs to achieve a balance of physical, mental and spiritual qualities. Through visualization, muscle strengthening, stretching, proper breathing, supplying oxygen to cells and organs, we cleanse the blood and use more brain cells.
Such a resumption of the work of the whole organism, its general strengthening and healing becomes the first step towards harmony and getting the most out of life.

Unleashing the potential always begins with faith in one’s abilities, and Pilates pays a lot of attention to the correct psychological attitudes – setting the goal and the desire to achieve it. Continue reading

Fitness couple enhances sex drive
An unexpected option for spending time together is how to sweat in the gym. Psychologists say: “useful” activities (rather than ordinary walks and gatherings in a cafe) help to get…


How to choose a gym: expectation and reality
For many, a new life begins on Monday - on the first working day they postpone going to the gym. This is especially true in early spring, when everyone wants…


How to quickly pump up the buttocks at home?
In principle, there is only one secret and, to be honest, it’s not a secret at all, but an obvious fact. But about him, for some reason, too often forget.…
