The best exercises for the buttocks in the gym for girls
How to choose exercises for buttocks that really "work"? In this article you will find a list of the most effective exercises for the buttocks in the gym for girls.…

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The best exercises for the buttocks in the gym for girls
How to choose exercises for buttocks that really "work"? In this article you will find a list of the most effective exercises for the buttocks in the gym for girls.…

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Fat in the human body is not the same in structure. Having distinguished it by color, scientists emit white, brown and beige fat. How to lose weight, knowing their features,…

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Prevention of injuries when entering regular training

Prevention of injuries is one of the most important components of proper training. Starting the load after the break, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the damage already received. This is true not only in professional sports, but also in amateur sports. Novice athletes ignore the rules for entering the training regimen after a break and can acquire serious health problems.

injury prevention

Prevention of injuries when entering regular training
It is advisable to immediately consult a doctor after receiving injuries. He will prescribe an effective treatment and tell you what loads are shown after recovery. A sports traumatologist is also involved in this.

Prevention of injuries includes:

The physiological aspect. Preparing the body for the usual loads and their increase. After a long break, you need to start with the minimum, but try to ensure the maximum possible duration (without harming your health).

The psychological aspect. It is relevant for professionals and amateurs. During recovery, the results achieved may be lost. The need to start all over again affects mood and motivation.

You can start going to the gym only after a complete cure after an injury. Moderate loads are indicated during the rehabilitation period, but only the attending physician determines them. Categorically not:

Train through pain or relieve painkillers. They prevent adequate perception of the load.

Return immediately to the previous mode even with a successful recovery. Leave some activities for getting used to.

Load the injured area and make the same mistakes that led to the injury.

It is clear that with knee injuries, you should not run, and with back pain, load it. If TB and exercise technique are violated, you can earn a second injury. So it grows into a chronic and becomes incurable. In this case, it is better to underwork than to recycle.

The load program should be adjusted: remove intensive exercises on the injured area, stimulate all muscles and zones. The first time it is recommended to work only under the supervision of a trainer. He will also help to choose a program that promotes recovery.

Least Traumatic Sports
After serious injuries, doctors are advised to choose the simplest loads. TOP-3 includes:

Walking. It activates many muscle groups, trains endurance. You can walk with support or uphill. A slight slope creates a treadmill effect. In this case, the legs are protected from shock. Important: the correct technique, comfortable shoes.

Bicycle riding. It strengthens the cardiovascular system and gives a good load on the muscles. Do not immediately go long distances, it is better to start with walking distances. After riding, it is recommended to spend more time stretching.

Swimming. Gentle training regimen even with serious damage. Water protects muscles from stress, makes movements smooth. During classes, endurance, breathing are trained, almost all muscles work.

injury prevention swimming

Reasonable stress during rehabilitation is also a kind of injury prevention. They should not contradict the doctor’s instructions. You also need to perform therapeutic exercises. If any load during an injury is contraindicated, it is strictly forbidden to train!

Chronic injury can be a contraindication to sports in general. Even in pursuit of achievements and victory, do not forget about health.

How to train after an injury: useful tips
During rehabilitation, pay attention to nutrition and daily routine. Take medications and vitamins prescribed by your doctor, attend all procedures. Massage is extremely useful – it helps to warm muscles, joints, stimulates blood circulation.

Exercise therapy: injury prevention

Engage in physical therapy. Yes, these loads seem childish after your results in the hall. But the exercises are designed to maintain muscle during the recovery period. This is a great step towards getting back into shape without harming your health.

Already in the hall, extend the warm-up time, gradually increasing the main load. After injury, it should be warmed up more thoroughly. Do not forget about stretching after weight training. Ask you to insure if you are not sure that you can handle the weight or load yourself. Your coach should be there to support you. Talk to him about injury prevention.

If you do not know how to recover on your own, contact special centers, a sports traumatologist. Be prepared for long work and do not expect high results some time after a break.

The support of loved ones is also important. Remember that successful rehabilitation depends on the athlete and his environment. It is better to turn to specialists than to try to choose the correct mode yourself by trial and error.

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