How to get rid of stretch marks after a quick weight loss
Stretch marks on the body, according to many, look unaesthetic. Often striae (the second name of the phenomenon) appear with a sharp weight loss. Therefore, everyone is eager to learn…

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first dpp
Superset: how to increase your workout efficiency
How to apply a superset in training. Types of supersets and 4 cases when they need to be used. If you are at least a little interested in training and…

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Why crossfit is needed
In a number of areas of fitness, crossfit is a separate line. This is one of the most fashionable areas of physical fitness among adherents of a healthy lifestyle was…

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increase calorie

How to get rid of stretch marks after a quick weight loss

Stretch marks on the body, according to many, look unaesthetic. Often striae (the second name of the phenomenon) appear with a sharp weight loss. Therefore, everyone is eager to learn how to get rid of stretch marks. In pursuit of smooth skin, expensive creams are bought, beauty salons are visited.

But is it possible to actually remove stretch marks on the skin in this way?

Before you get rid of stretch marks, learn more about them.
Striae occur in areas where the most fat accumulated: belly, hips, buttocks, chest. The reason for the appearance of stretch marks is a violation of the production of collagen and elastin fibers. They are responsible for the flexibility, plasticity of the skin, its adaptation to new forms. Continue reading

Self-massage of problem areas: how to overcome cellulite and an “apron” at the waist

Surely you know that cellulite provokes heredity, increased estrogen production and malnutrition. Anti-cellulite self-massage is an easy, fast and cheap way to get rid of the hated orange peel.

How to do it and how to make it effective, rather than just kneading the skin with your fingers?

The cellulite problem is typically female. It is not a disease, but refers to cosmetic skin defects. Orange peel is a consequence of thinner skin in women than in men, increased production of leptin by fat cells and a malfunction in the synthesis of hormones that regulate the activity of their receptors. Continue reading

Bodhi Yoga Concept

The concept (from lat. Conceptio – understanding, system) is a certain way of understanding (interpretation, perception) of any object, phenomenon or process; main point of view on the subject; a guiding idea for their systematic coverage.

Bodhi (Skt.) – enlightenment, awakening, or awareness. Derived from the verb budh, which means to awaken, realize, understand.

Yoga is a system of practices of spiritual and physical perfection, i.e. art and technology of holistic psychophysical self-improvement. The word “yoga” comes from the Sanskrit root yodge, which has many semantic meanings: “control”, “exercise”, “curb”, “connection”, “unity”, “harmony”, “union”, etc. Continue reading

Can pregnant women do fitness?
The nine-month period of bearing a child is certainly not a reason to quit training. If you did not pay attention to the body before pregnancy, then its onset is…


The art and science of relaxation
The need to learn effective relaxation is due to several reasons: firstly, vascular circulation is normalized; secondly, psychosomatic tension is removed (there is a deep purification of the subconscious); thirdly,…


Where to start training in the gym
In the past few years, the unconditional components of the fashionable image have become a slender, toned body with muscles pumped, but slightly, perfect posture and easy gait. Famous stylists…
