Selection of attractive conditions
Your inner, psychic world is a world of perceptions and the states consisting of them. No matter what you experience, you can always distinguish (with proper training) individual perceptions. These…

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first dpp
Fitness during menstruation: the pros and cons
How to train in "these days" and is it possible to do this? This question excites many girls, but not everyone decides to ask it. Everything you need to know…

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How to quickly pump up the buttocks at home?
In principle, there is only one secret and, to be honest, it’s not a secret at all, but an obvious fact. But about him, for some reason, too often forget.…

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Bodhi Yoga Concept

The concept (from lat. Conceptio – understanding, system) is a certain way of understanding (interpretation, perception) of any object, phenomenon or process; main point of view on the subject; a guiding idea for their systematic coverage.

Bodhi (Skt.) – enlightenment, awakening, or awareness. Derived from the verb budh, which means to awaken, realize, understand.

Yoga is a system of practices of spiritual and physical perfection, i.e. art and technology of holistic psychophysical self-improvement. The word “yoga” comes from the Sanskrit root yodge, which has many semantic meanings: “control”, “exercise”, “curb”, “connection”, “unity”, “harmony”, “union”, etc. Continue reading

Reasonable fitness: how to exercise while staying healthy
The fitness industry is constantly growing and begins to offer us something that is incompatible with the concept of a healthy lifestyle. How to do fitness “wisely” and not become…


The most effective abs exercises for girls
How to pump up a girl? Of course, you need to perform special exercises on the press. Exercises for the upper and lower press, as well as exercises for the…


Fitness during menstruation: the pros and cons
How to train in "these days" and is it possible to do this? This question excites many girls, but not everyone decides to ask it. Everything you need to know…
