How to motivate yourself to a healthy lifestyle?
Wanting to change their appearance, many ask themselves the question: how to force yourself to play sports? The main mistakes in motivation and a detailed analysis of all the excuses…

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first dpp
Scientific Aspects of Yoga
It is science, in modern conditions, that is an important factor determining the progressive transformations in any sphere of human activity, including yoga, as one of the most self-improving systems…

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Some fitness facts that your trainer won’t tell you
A healthy lifestyle is choosing more and more people. To look better and feel great, many choose fitness. But, like any business, you need to do sports wisely. 1. A…

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Eating in a cafe while dieting

How to place an order in a cafe if you are on a diet. The secrets of diet in a cafe and restaurant.

Of course, adhering to the necessary nutrition plan is much easier if you cook the food yourself and, accordingly, eat it at home or take it with you to work, etc.

But with all of us there are holidays, meetings with friends, business lunches, well, or just did not have time to cook food and you need to eat at the restaurant. Then a logical question arises: what to order in a cafe on a diet? Many believe that it is not possible to maintain their PP power mode. However, I want to assure you that it is possible and not at all difficult.

How to choose an institution

Now we’ll talk about the most ideal option, when you have the opportunity to choose your own institution. So you have the opportunity to choose a kitchen. Continue reading

Reasonable fitness: how to exercise while staying healthy
The fitness industry is constantly growing and begins to offer us something that is incompatible with the concept of a healthy lifestyle. How to do fitness “wisely” and not become…


Home Workouts for beginners What kind of fitness to choose What type of fitness to choose
So the hour has come when the desire to put your body in order and start playing sports requires specific actions from you. It remains to decide - what type…


How to make round biceps: tips on how to pump biceps at home and in the gym
This question is mainly asked by men who are interested in making their hands large and embossed. These athletes are easy to calculate in the gym, because their favorite equipment…
