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How to choose the right weight weights for a girl

In order for the training to be not only effective, but also safe, it is important to choose the right weight. How to choose the weight of dumbbells and other equipment for girls at the beginning of training, read below.

And on this site, and on others, in the description of the exercises, you probably read something like this: “take dumbbells of the required weight” or “set the necessary resistance in the simulator” and many similar formulations. For already experienced visitors to fitness rooms, this task does not cause difficulties, but for beginners this can become a stumbling block, because an incorrectly selected weight of weights, on the one hand, can reduce the effectiveness of training, and on the other, lead to injury. So how do you find a middle ground?

How to choose weight for beginners?

So, if you are just starting your journey in fitness, and even more so if you do it yourself, your first task is to learn how to perform the exercises correctly. To do this, the weight should be small. Small – this means that you feel the load, but you can freely do 15 repetitions of the exercise and complete 3 approaches. This can only be determined empirically. Those. Before starting the exercise, you take, for example, dumbbells, “by eye” and begin to perform the necessary exercise, trying to comply with the technique as much as possible. Having completed the first approach, and sometimes just the first few repetitions, you already roughly understand how easy it was for you. If it is too simple, then you can increase the weight by one step (i.e. if, for example, you used 3 kg dumbbells, try to take 4 kg).

The most important thing is not to overdo it and not try to give all your best. “Time for records” has not yet arrived. The joint-ligamentous apparatus is not yet ready for a heavy load and any excess of its permissible limit can cause injury. Even professional athletes often cannot adequately determine this limit. Therefore, regardless of whether you are training to gain mass or to lose weight, it’s better not to rush and to work with light weights for the first few months of training, honing the technique of doing the exercises.

What weight weights to choose for work on fat burning / relief?
During training for weight loss, it is usually recommended to perform 15-25 repetitions of the exercise with minimum periods of rest between sets (no more than 30 seconds). Such hard work, even with a great desire, will not allow you to work with great weight. Therefore, we select such a weight of weights that you can perform the required number of repetitions, but at the same time the last of them will be quite difficult for you. By “heavy enough” I do not mean that these repetitions will be performed in the style of “I’ll finish it somehow”. No. They also need to be carried out with the correct technique, which will be impossible if you decide to use the weight of the load “above average”.

Also in this case, the “pyramid” method “works” in which you initially take a heavier weight, but after doing a certain number of exercises (the maximum possible) change the weight to a lighter one. Then again change it to an even smaller one and so it can be repeated 3-4 times until the required number of repetitions is performed.

The “pyramid” method has proven itself in training aimed at the relief and, frankly, requires the writing of a separate article.

How to choose weight for weight gain?

Weight training is performed quite slowly and very carefully. In this case, the number of repetitions in the approach must be kept within 8-12.
But this does not mean that you simply stop execution on this number of repetitions. This means that the weight should be such that you could no longer do even with a very big desire.

In training for weight gain, it is recommended to use the so-called “warm-up” approach, in which you “warm up” and work out the technique on light weight, and then perform the required number of approaches with a weight close to the maximum.

Why not just indicate the “approximate” weight?
Because for everyone it is different. It depends on a huge number of factors: training experience or lack thereof; accordingly, possession / non-mastery of the technique of performing exercises; preparedness of the articular ligamentous apparatus; development of muscle fibers; the presence / absence of a person who can “insure you”; Your genetic inclinations and even the banal mood and the level of “vitality” on the day of training.

This list can be continued indefinitely, but I think you understood why the training weights do not usually write weight weights – for some it will be too large, and for others too small. An exception is the situation in which the trainer draws up a program for the client with whom he is engaged on an ongoing basis. In this case, indicate the approximate weight is real.

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