order to improve
Surya Namaskar: Common Problems
This article is devoted to the most common problems that occur during the performance of Surya Namaskar, and methods for solving them. With a little time and attention and in your next lesson you will move easily and smoothly.
When you get all the elements of Surya Namaskar, you feel very good. Graceful, rhythmic postures awaken the whole body, allow you to concentrate and revitalize your breath. However, the very same dynamic movements, thanks to which Surya Namaskar fills us with joy, make this exercise difficult to correct, because it needs to be divided into parts and “tuned up” individually. There is sure to be one that you don’t like, for example, you constantly strike your finger when you lunge forward, or your lower back hurts when doing the bar, your breathing goes astray during specific asanas, or you cannot breathe as deep as the rest of the group .
These little things are not just annoying – they prevent us from getting the most out of Surya Namaskar. Therefore, you need to pay attention to them and either work out postures, or change them in a way that will be comfortable for your body. Time will not be wasted – the breath will become deeper, the body will be stronger, and you will get much more extensive experience from this important series of asanas. Continue reading
“If you are going to postpone the practice until tomorrow, you may suddenly find that life has slipped away!”
Milarepa Shepa Dorje, September 1117 A.D.
In order to start changing, you need desire, not Mondays!
7 levels of motivation for doing yoga:
Level 1 (health) – Muladhara. At this level, a person chooses yoga practice in order to improve his health, cure a sore back, improve the state of blood vessels, get rid of headaches, and get out of a state of apathy and low energy. The motivation for achieving this level will be the achievement of a state of harmonious functioning of all organs and systems of the physical body, as well as strong immunity.
In the classic work of Patanjali “Yoga Sutras” it is said that the practice of yoga should be long, continuous and attentive. Yoga is a powerful medicine that, however, acts slowly. Therefore, do not expect quick results (although it may become easier for someone after the first lesson). At the same time, the positive results from such classes will be much longer. Continue reading