Eating in a cafe while dieting
How to place an order in a cafe if you are on a diet. The secrets of diet in a cafe and restaurant. Of course, adhering to the necessary nutrition…

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first dpp
Slimming communities: why you should not trust them
At the peak of popularity, all kinds of groups in social networks created by former "dummies" who managed to lose weight. Many follow the recommendations of homegrown gurus and hope…

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Pilates for beginners
It is quite difficult for a beginner to understand the variety of areas offered by fitness clubs today and to choose the type of training suitable for himself. In this…

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Periodization of loads: how often to change the training program

Periodization of training is a necessary condition for achieving the desired result. About whom and under what conditions it is necessary to change the training plan, read the article.

This article will discuss a very important aspect of training, namely the question: how often do I need to change and adjust the lesson plan. A huge number of people starting to work out in the gym or fitness in general, note that at the beginning of training, namely the first 1.5-2 months, the body reacts quite actively to the load, and then this effect disappears and often there is a feeling that not only nothing happens with the state of the body, but even such indicators as endurance and strength also remain at the same level.

And one of the main mistakes of both beginners and many experienced trainees is the lack of a change in the training program. For years, people can do the same thing in the same order, and then say that training “does not work” and does not bring any effect.

At the heart of all this is such a concept as periodization of loads. And first of all, it is necessary to understand the theoretical component of this term.

What is load periodization Continue reading

How to quickly pump up the buttocks at home?

In principle, there is only one secret and, to be honest, it’s not a secret at all, but an obvious fact. But about him, for some reason, too often forget.

It’s simple: if you want to pump up the buttocks, then download the BUTTERFLY. Neither legs nor back, but buttocks. The most common mistake is to perform the exercise at the expense of other muscles or for other muscles. For example, you decided at all costs to increase the buttocks at home and began to squat with frantic zeal (well, if right). But during training, you feel mainly quadriceps (the front of the thigh) and the next day your legs also hurt most of all. So you train for several weeks … or months … Then you start to squat with dumbbells or some other kind of weight, because everyone knows – to increase the buttocks in volume you need to squat with weight. After some time, you may notice that the quadriceps has noticeably changed, but the “butt” is far from being “as beautiful” as we would like. You might even say that you “rocked” your legs, which you don’t like at all. So you will come to the main question that worries most girls who have ever wanted to perfect the “rear view”: Continue reading

The best exercises for the buttocks in the gym for girls

How to choose exercises for buttocks that really “work”? In this article you will find a list of the most effective exercises for the buttocks in the gym for girls.

Of course, pumping the buttocks in the gym is easier than doing it at home. The reason is simple and clear – in the room at your disposal will be much more tools. This includes barbells, a wide dumbbell row, and a whole list of various simulators that allow you to easily change the load, use different body positions, etc. Therefore, if you want to achieve truly “visible” buttocks, you should still take advantage of the benefits of visiting a fitness club. Continue reading

Types of muscle fibers and their functions
During training for fat burning or mass gain, you need to use different types of muscle fibers. About what they are and how to determine the ratio of muscle fibers…


Slimming communities: why you should not trust them
At the peak of popularity, all kinds of groups in social networks created by former "dummies" who managed to lose weight. Many follow the recommendations of homegrown gurus and hope…


Yama and Niyama - the foundation of good practice
Yama (control of mind and behavior) and Niyama (psycho-emotional and bodily purity) are the first two stages of yoga and the condition for its effective practice. By practicing the Pit,…
