Selection of attractive conditions
Your inner, psychic world is a world of perceptions and the states consisting of them. No matter what you experience, you can always distinguish (with proper training) individual perceptions. These…

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first dpp
Superset: how to increase your workout efficiency
How to apply a superset in training. Types of supersets and 4 cases when they need to be used. If you are at least a little interested in training and…

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The foundation of perfection in bodhi yoga
The psycho-emotional impeccability of a yoga is, first and foremost, the art in all circumstances to maintain optimal energy relationships with the outside world and with oneself. The practitioner conducts…

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playing sports

Body types: how genetics affect your figure

There are three types of physique or somatotype that affect our appearance. Details on why some of us are prone to gaining fat, while others are lean, read in the article.

There is no denying the fact that in addition to our lifestyle, eating habits and sports, there are other factors that influence how our body looks. It is often called the word “genetics”, meaning that some features of the figure are inherited in us and we cannot change them. So, there are people who, despite the fact that they eat a lot, remain thin, and often even have unhealthy thinness. Many will say that this is a small problem. But such people cannot gain weight even at the cost of tremendous effort. There is another class of people who, even eating moderately, always remain quite full and have excess weight, which is difficult for them to get rid of.

There is also a third group, the rarest, – those who always look quite athletic and fit. Even short moderate physical activities very quickly affect their appearance. They quickly develop muscle proliferation and it seems that they are not at all prone to weight gain. Continue reading

Types of muscle fibers and their functions

During training for fat burning or mass gain, you need to use different types of muscle fibers. About what they are and how to determine the ratio of muscle fibers in the body, read the article.

When playing sports, we constantly use the word “muscles”. We are talking about the fact that they work, hurt, grow or not grow, and so on. As a rule, our knowledge about muscles does not go beyond this. Nevertheless, it is very important to understand that the composition of the muscles can be different, and are prone to various kinds of load.

What is muscle?

A muscle is an organ that consists of fibers and is capable of contracting under the influence of nerve impulses sent by the brain through a brain-muscle connection. Accordingly, the main functions of muscle fiber in the context of sports are the implementation of movements and maintaining the position of the body. Continue reading

Posture as the foundation
We often hear this word, but what does it mean? Straight back? Lack of scoliosis? In this article, we will consider what components make up posture, how its formation occurs,…


How to choose the right weight weights for a girl
In order for the training to be not only effective, but also safe, it is important to choose the right weight. How to choose the weight of dumbbells and other…


Pilates for harmony of body and soul
Each of us seeks to enjoy life. As a rule, we begin to get this pleasure only when we are healthy, mobile, live without stress and unnecessary stress. But in…
