bench presses
Posture as the foundation
We often hear this word, but what does it mean? Straight back? Lack of scoliosis? In this article, we will consider what components make up posture, how its formation occurs, and, of course, what affects its change.
Posture is a habitual laid-back position of a person’s body, which remains at rest and in motion. This is the definition that we will find in almost every exercise therapy book. But what or who defines this “laid-back position”, and why did it become “familiar”? This is where we should talk about the components that form the posture.
The human body has a rigid frame – the skeleton. The skeleton is both a support for muscles and ligaments, and a protector of vital organs and structures. A building called a “skeleton” is built according to certain laws, according to “floors” -segments, the correct location of which is designed to provide a minimum load on the muscles and ligaments in an upright position. Feet, lower limbs, pelvis, chest, neck and head – these are the very “floors”. If the “floors” are located correctly, one above the other, the body is able to perform movements in the joints with maximum amplitude, rationally and ergonomically move and maintain stability. This alignment is called “skeletal balance.” Continue reading
How to quickly pump up the buttocks at home?
In principle, there is only one secret and, to be honest, it’s not a secret at all, but an obvious fact. But about him, for some reason, too often forget.
It’s simple: if you want to pump up the buttocks, then download the BUTTERFLY. Neither legs nor back, but buttocks. The most common mistake is to perform the exercise at the expense of other muscles or for other muscles. For example, you decided at all costs to increase the buttocks at home and began to squat with frantic zeal (well, if right). But during training, you feel mainly quadriceps (the front of the thigh) and the next day your legs also hurt most of all. So you train for several weeks … or months … Then you start to squat with dumbbells or some other kind of weight, because everyone knows – to increase the buttocks in volume you need to squat with weight. After some time, you may notice that the quadriceps has noticeably changed, but the “butt” is far from being “as beautiful” as we would like. You might even say that you “rocked” your legs, which you don’t like at all. So you will come to the main question that worries most girls who have ever wanted to perfect the “rear view”: Continue reading
The most effective abs exercises for girls
How to pump up a girl? Of course, you need to perform special exercises on the press. Exercises for the upper and lower press, as well as exercises for the oblique muscles of the abdomen, look in this material.
Time passes, and the question “how to pump up the press” is still one of the most popular. There is simply a huge variety of exercises for the abdominal muscles and it is rather difficult for an “unprepared” person to figure out what they need. In this article I will try to solve this problem.
I have already described the main criteria for achieving not just a flat stomach, but a relief press in the article “How to get a relief press”. I hope that you will read it too and therefore in this article I will not repeat myself and will focus on choosing the right exercises.
The best exercises for the press: what are they? Continue reading