The foundation of perfection in bodhi yoga
The psycho-emotional impeccability of a yoga is, first and foremost, the art in all circumstances to maintain optimal energy relationships with the outside world and with oneself. The practitioner conducts…

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first dpp
How to eat to gain weight
The presence of muscle mass is an essential component for the buildup of the body. It is impossible to get round biceps, strong legs, if the body does not have…

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Your way: how to start running marathons from scratch and run to yourself
Liga Sarukhanova - journalist and mother of two children, without a sports past. But in recent years, in her social networks - there are all photos from marathons and international…

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human body

Posture as the foundation

We often hear this word, but what does it mean? Straight back? Lack of scoliosis? In this article, we will consider what components make up posture, how its formation occurs, and, of course, what affects its change.
Posture is a habitual laid-back position of a person’s body, which remains at rest and in motion. This is the definition that we will find in almost every exercise therapy book. But what or who defines this “laid-back position”, and why did it become “familiar”? This is where we should talk about the components that form the posture.

The human body has a rigid frame – the skeleton. The skeleton is both a support for muscles and ligaments, and a protector of vital organs and structures. A building called a “skeleton” is built according to certain laws, according to “floors” -segments, the correct location of which is designed to provide a minimum load on the muscles and ligaments in an upright position. Feet, lower limbs, pelvis, chest, neck and head – these are the very “floors”. If the “floors” are located correctly, one above the other, the body is able to perform movements in the joints with maximum amplitude, rationally and ergonomically move and maintain stability. This alignment is called “skeletal balance.” Continue reading

Why crossfit is needed
In a number of areas of fitness, crossfit is a separate line. This is one of the most fashionable areas of physical fitness among adherents of a healthy lifestyle was…


Hitch and proper rest after training
The vast majority of beginners in fitness forget or intentionally ignore the completion of the final set of exercises, in a hurry to do other things. In addition, they do…


The foundation of perfection in bodhi yoga
The psycho-emotional impeccability of a yoga is, first and foremost, the art in all circumstances to maintain optimal energy relationships with the outside world and with oneself. The practitioner conducts…
