which include
Selection of attractive conditions
Your inner, psychic world is a world of perceptions and the states consisting of them. No matter what you experience, you can always distinguish (with proper training) individual perceptions. These perceptions are pleasant for you at the moment or unpleasant for you at the moment. Perceptions are divided into several types: emotions, thoughts, desires, sensations and confidence.
You absolutely do not have to experience unpleasant perceptions, which include primarily negative emotions (NE) and the negative states consisting of them – anger, hatred, self-pity, boredom, contempt, resentment, jealousy, gloom, irritation, depression and others. There is no such law of nature that obliges you to experience all this or part of it. This may seem surprising, but nevertheless perceptions and states can be controlled, they can be chosen, and one can engage in the engineering of perceptions. And it’s not so difficult to learn, for example, step by step to experience less and less NE. Do not suppress them, do not justify, do not supplant, do not “accept as is”, namely, do not experience. Continue reading