How to make round biceps: tips on how to pump biceps at home and in the gym
This question is mainly asked by men who are interested in making their hands large and embossed. These athletes are easy to calculate in the gym, because their favorite equipment…

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first dpp
How to choose the right weight weights for a girl
In order for the training to be not only effective, but also safe, it is important to choose the right weight. How to choose the weight of dumbbells and other…

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Posture as the foundation
We often hear this word, but what does it mean? Straight back? Lack of scoliosis? In this article, we will consider what components make up posture, how its formation occurs,…

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Bodhi Yoga Concept

The concept (from lat. Conceptio – understanding, system) is a certain way of understanding (interpretation, perception) of any object, phenomenon or process; main point of view on the subject; a guiding idea for their systematic coverage.

Bodhi (Skt.) – enlightenment, awakening, or awareness. Derived from the verb budh, which means to awaken, realize, understand.

Yoga is a system of practices of spiritual and physical perfection, i.e. art and technology of holistic psychophysical self-improvement. The word “yoga” comes from the Sanskrit root yodge, which has many semantic meanings: “control”, “exercise”, “curb”, “connection”, “unity”, “harmony”, “union”, etc. Continue reading

Hitch and proper rest after training

The vast majority of beginners in fitness forget or intentionally ignore the completion of the final set of exercises, in a hurry to do other things. In addition, they do not even suspect that in addition to the hitch, other recovery measures are needed. In this article, we will talk about how much time your body needs to recover and what should be the right rest after a workout so that its health benefits are maximized.

Recovery period components
Do not be surprised, but in order for the recovery after training to be optimal, the following conditions must be observed:

start the lesson with a full workout; optimize the amount of training loads;
drink water or a sports drink during the lesson;
do in the main part, during pauses for rest, exercises for muscle relaxation, self-massage, breathing exercises; Continue reading

Sneakers for the gym: what you need to know before buying

Where to buy gym shoes
When to buy sports shoes?
Sneakers for fitness: choose a model
How to try on gym shoes

Sports shoes are an important, almost main, element of sports equipment. It often causes a trauma, so saving on it is more expensive. Beginners should buy one, but expensive universal pair of sneakers, which will be equally comfortable when performing strength exercises, and while working on cyclic simulators. Here are the rules to keep in mind before you buy gym shoes.

Where to buy gym shoes
Shoes for sports must be bought not in the online store and not in the market. Go to the sports shop. It is in it: Continue reading

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A selection of books that every fitness practitioner should read
The books will be useful both for those engaged in fitness individually, and under the guidance of a personal trainer. Each of them is a direct guide to action that…


Scientific Aspects of Yoga
It is science, in modern conditions, that is an important factor determining the progressive transformations in any sphere of human activity, including yoga, as one of the most self-improving systems…


Pilates for beginners
It is quite difficult for a beginner to understand the variety of areas offered by fitness clubs today and to choose the type of training suitable for himself. In this…
