How to eat to gain weight
The presence of muscle mass is an essential component for the buildup of the body. It is impossible to get round biceps, strong legs, if the body does not have…

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first dpp
Hitch and proper rest after training
The vast majority of beginners in fitness forget or intentionally ignore the completion of the final set of exercises, in a hurry to do other things. In addition, they do…

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Prevention of injuries when entering regular training
Prevention of injuries is one of the most important components of proper training. Starting the load after the break, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the…

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provide good heat

What is useful protein shake and how to drink it

Among beginner athletes, the phrase “protein shake” is equivalent to “mountain of muscles”. Many are passionate about choosing the right protein for building muscle. Demand pulled up behind demand too – now there are several tens of protein supplements on the market.

Should I get carried away with homemade and purchased cocktails, what is the use or harm of them? Opinions were divided among athletes and doctors. But before you start the protein miracle course, you should study the basic information about the product.

The main value of a protein shake is protein. This is an organic molecule necessary for the human body. It helps build blood vessels, bones, skin, hair, nails and muscles. Continue reading

Hitch and proper rest after training

The vast majority of beginners in fitness forget or intentionally ignore the completion of the final set of exercises, in a hurry to do other things. In addition, they do not even suspect that in addition to the hitch, other recovery measures are needed. In this article, we will talk about how much time your body needs to recover and what should be the right rest after a workout so that its health benefits are maximized.

Recovery period components
Do not be surprised, but in order for the recovery after training to be optimal, the following conditions must be observed:

start the lesson with a full workout; optimize the amount of training loads; Continue reading

Fitness couple enhances sex drive

An unexpected option for spending time together is how to sweat in the gym. Psychologists say: “useful” activities (rather than ordinary walks and gatherings in a cafe) help to get to know your partner better, create shared memories and strengthen relationships in a couple. Even if you have been husband and wife for a long time, joint training will bring something new to everyday life.

And from a purely practical point of view, practicing together is useful for several reasons:

it’s more fun than dragging iron;
You can perform decent power loads with the help of a partner;
a great option if both of you have not decided for a long time to finally go to the gym; Continue reading

Surya Namaskar: Common Problems
This article is devoted to the most common problems that occur during the performance of Surya Namaskar, and methods for solving them. With a little time and attention and in…


How to eat to gain weight
The presence of muscle mass is an essential component for the buildup of the body. It is impossible to get round biceps, strong legs, if the body does not have…


Yama and Niyama - the foundation of good practice
Yama (control of mind and behavior) and Niyama (psycho-emotional and bodily purity) are the first two stages of yoga and the condition for its effective practice. By practicing the Pit,…
