What to wear and take with you to the fitness club
Perform exercise in comfortable clothes and shoes. This is not only aesthetics, but also safety: they cling to inventory with wide t-shirts, soft backs do not keep their feet on…

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first dpp
The most effective abs exercises for girls
How to pump up a girl? Of course, you need to perform special exercises on the press. Exercises for the upper and lower press, as well as exercises for the…

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Where to start training in the gym
In the past few years, the unconditional components of the fashionable image have become a slender, toned body with muscles pumped, but slightly, perfect posture and easy gait. Famous stylists…

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essential for survival

Fitness couple enhances sex drive

An unexpected option for spending time together is how to sweat in the gym. Psychologists say: “useful” activities (rather than ordinary walks and gatherings in a cafe) help to get to know your partner better, create shared memories and strengthen relationships in a couple. Even if you have been husband and wife for a long time, joint training will bring something new to everyday life.

And from a purely practical point of view, practicing together is useful for several reasons:

it’s more fun than dragging iron;
You can perform decent power loads with the help of a partner;
a great option if both of you have not decided for a long time to finally go to the gym; Continue reading

Where to start training in the gym

In the past few years, the unconditional components of the fashionable image have become a slender, toned body with muscles pumped, but slightly, perfect posture and easy gait. Famous stylists insist that these parameters will be relevant for at least another decade.

I want to be in the trend, but have never been and don’t know where to start training in the gym? Remember the step-by-step instructions with examples from the American bodybuilding star, elegant and sophisticated Jamie Eason.

What to wear in the gym
Of course, you can train in the “old”, but it is better to do this in a modern sports form. She will give confidence, and the cost of her purchase will become an additional motivator that will not allow to flinch and refuse to achieve the goal. By the way, some clubs insist on the observance of a dress code, and “tattered” in slippers will simply not be allowed to attend classes. Continue reading

Home Workouts for beginners What kind of fitness to choose What type of fitness to choose

So the hour has come when the desire to put your body in order and start playing sports requires specific actions from you. It remains to decide – what type of fitness to choose?

Fitness (fit, English, to be in good shape or in good shape) is a combination of different types of non-Olympic sports and physical development systems. Engaged in them to change weight and body shape, maintain or increase physical performance. In addition, each direction of fitness has its own tricks and diet programs that allow you to quickly achieve the desired result. Choosing a lesson for your soul and in accordance with the goal will be easier if you know what types of fitness are. Continue reading

Hitch and proper rest after training
The vast majority of beginners in fitness forget or intentionally ignore the completion of the final set of exercises, in a hurry to do other things. In addition, they do…


Reasonable fitness: how to exercise while staying healthy
The fitness industry is constantly growing and begins to offer us something that is incompatible with the concept of a healthy lifestyle. How to do fitness “wisely” and not become…


Selection of attractive conditions
Your inner, psychic world is a world of perceptions and the states consisting of them. No matter what you experience, you can always distinguish (with proper training) individual perceptions. These…
